
This picture shows the view of the hilly terrain just outide of the fence line of Karamursel Common Defense Installation, Turkey.

A view of one of the side streets in downtown Karamursel 1973.

Karamursel did not have grocery stores or other large shops. Meat had to be bought at the local butcher shop, where lamb was the primary meat.

The big city - Istanbul

Karamursel provided a somewhat normal highschool experience for those of us that lived there to attend school. This is a picture of the start of our homecoming football game in 1973.

Our homecoming game was a rare night game. Equipped with tri-x 400ASA high speed film and using a friend's Yashica camera, I got a lot of decent pictures, several even made it into our yearbook that year.

Dormitory living provided some interesting experiences in living This picture was taken during the initiation of Pat Thiele. I don't remember for what - it might have been for his birthday or any other excuse for the time.

A picture taken of some women chaffing wheat while their children looked on. This is a scan of an 8x10 black and white picture that I developed at the Karamursel darkroom from an original color print.

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Copyright © 1997 David Councill. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 11, 1998.